Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Remember him?

it's raining,again,afteraLL its the monsoon season right?
Damn,i hate November + December eventhough December is my birthday,i stiLL hate it if i cant ceLebrate it outdoor.
Not that i know anybody gonna make me a surprise party or anything.
Gosh,i am so destroyed.
Reminiscing through the past memories,my birthday ceLebration was taken indoor,as we can't neither go to the beach nor to Escape theme park.
This rain are destroying me.
i shouLd stop saying heLL,Look the thing is,they destroys me,the rain.
i feLt so coLd nearLy everyday i wouLd catch a fLu.
Not that i have any idea how to catch it.

i am stuck at home again.
Not because of this effen rain,my sociaL caLenders are empty.

Nuriha,the BFH,is stiLL at Johor,i think.

TaLking about MaLaysia,i miss going there,for weddings,shopping etc etc.
i miss going to Seremban and meet aLL the kampong's viLLagers.
AfteraLL i am from MaLaysia,weLL not me exactLy,but its my dad.
it is reaLLy a pLeasure going there cause Singapore's beauty reaLLy made them awe-struck !
HAHAHA.sorry,i was just puLLing your Leg.
Going there either by train,bus or van,it was a wonderfuL journey.
When can i step my foot there again?
i wanna get out of Singapore for a getaway.
Few days back,our famiLy,mostLy my sister and me made a ridicuLous idea.
We asked our mom if we can move to MaLaysia!?
Great,we can,actuaLLy,and i wouLd LOVE to stay there.
But due to certain measures,damn,this is absoLuteLy a-out-of-your-mind-idea.
So we stick to staying here in Singapore.

i was aiming for this guy in friendster.
But he doesnt seems to notice me.
ALL and aLL,i don't reaLLy care,cause if i were meant to have a guy,i shouLdn't make a move at aLL,he can come by himseLf.
i aLways assure myseLf with that.
Being singLe is not a fauLt,its a fact.
i even dreamt of him Last night !
Strewth !

i need to give myseLf some sLack.
Looking at the mirror,i frequentLy notices my fLaws and start criticizing[speLLcheck] and feLt inferior.
Too many pimpLes,too short,too shy,nose that are too big for my Liking and etc.
From now on i swear to myseLf when i Look in the mirror i wiLL say,
"im beautifuL,damn it !"
This is a suggestion to aLL too,but don't over-do-it cause' Liars go to heLL.

Shit,my mind keep wandering at night.
imsonia sucks.
Din' know that that 'disease' can infect me,but they did.
They are destroying me,this imsonia.

i aLways thought what wiLL become of me next year.
AfteraLL i am retained,so questions Like 'who gonna be a friend,who gonna sits with me for breaks' and other stuffs when it is Like your first day of schooL.
Can i make it next year?
Or wiLL the same mistake being made again?
AtLeast i have Syu,whats that suppose to mean,that atLeast i've got her?!
HeLL,you guys don't know what you're taLking about.
You guys are destroying me.
Or wait,couLd next year be a better year,to start afresh with my maths and stuffs.
HeLL yeahh,its stiLL a Long way to go.
i shouLd stop thinking unnecessary stuffs[yet].
i've stiLL got a month.

StiLL searching for a job.
StiLL searching for a job.
StiLL searching for a job.


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