Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Happy New Year DarLings.
So what is your new year resoLution?
Heres mine:
-Pass ALL my exams[if God's wiLLing]
-Brush my teeth twice a day.
-Save up money.
-New handphone.
-Be more friendLy/kind/caring.
-Have a hot bod.
-Have a HOT hot rich taLL funny boyfriend.Not.
-Grow taLLer.
-Eat more !
-Do something about my hair.
WeLL,most of it is Like a wishList.
So bLearghs
Gotta bounce !
Party up aLL night !

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Yesterday went to Hougang,accompanied 2nd sis to sLeepover + drink at Mickey's aunt's house.
ALmost aLL the famiLy members drank Bourbon coke.
Mickey's uncLe bought 12 Bourbon bottLes !
Except for me and the kids,the aduLts drank those aLcohoL tiLL their heart was content.
Mickey drank and smoke infront of her parent,i mean,how cooL[?].
OveraLL,it was quite fun.
Bachin siak aku biLe baLek.
its been 24 hours since i had a proper bath.

When you've found that speciaL someone,
you thought your Life was perfect and he is your dream comes true.
Eventhough there are miLLion of peopLe around,
you feLt as if the worLd beLong to you and him.
Every singLe day,
memories kept fLashing in your Love mind.
to yourseLves.
Missing and experiencing heartache whenever a day goes by without him by your side.
You heLd your head up high,
Looking straight,
obLivious to guys around you even the hotter ones
cause you've got him and theres not a thing more that you wish for.
The worLd seems to be a more beautifuL pLace to Live in and your eyes onLy got for him.
Those times when you are together
whispering sweet nothings
hoLding hands
a kiss on the cheek
a hug that you wish Last forever
You pray for this to Last forever
and ever.
You dream of him
aLmost every night,wishing that this sweet fairytaLe not to end so soon.
And when things gets tough
you and him overcome the obstacLes together
not even the sLightest intention to rust the reLationship.
You sacrifice your time
and pride
to make him happy.
'Cause you don't want nobody eLse
you just wanna be with him
Everytime when you Look in his eyes
you see something
when aLL aLong you tried to make it right
keep the reLationship going strong and Loving him faithfuLLy.
'cause if he ever Leave you
you'd be Lost,you'd be going crazy
He's the onLy one who compLetes you.
He is the one who makes you whoLe
You gave him trust and the most fragiLe thing you own
your heart.
And thats how you feeL when you are in Love,
tiLL someone comes aLong,
i wiLL be experiencing the same
The same feeLing,the same words.
i Love you.
Not that i've got anyone to Love.
Ayam berkokok pagi hari
kLau ade mase kite jmpe Lagi !

Friday, December 26, 2008

i just reaLised that i own smaLL eyes.
Look at the nose.Refer to the upcoming pic of Toupee.Do compare the nose.Wooops,cant be compared,there are no difference !Nyaha.

Toupee !
Just gotten home from ICA buiLding with Syu.
i forced her into foLLowing me and she kept compLaining that i was wasting her time.
Like heLL i was wasting her time !
Singaporeans were not a considerate bunch.
Witnessed a poor grandma hoLding the MRT poLe for dear Life,but yet,there were not even a singLe souL wiLLing to give up their seat,even those priority seats !
And whiLe standing [since no one was wiLLing to sacrifice their seat for me] Leaning against the gLass pane[?]a crazy guy asked me,how many stops before Jurong East interchange.
After giving him some akward hand gestures,i pointed my middLe[it is the Longest finger,right?Nyaha.Joke,guys !] finger at the MRT map.He Looked at me with a seriousLy-irritating-mintak-kene-sepak-bLur face.Sighing a huge breath,i gLanced at the map and do a mentaL caLcuLation to Jurong East.Suckass.
How couLd there be any dummy in Singapore !
WhiLe accompanying Syu to eat her Lunch,i snapped pics of myseLf.
SuddenLy an uncLe decided to Lend a hand and take pics of me
and what?run away with the camera?
And after waiting severaL years for my phone to be repaired,the technician[?]decLared that my phone can be of no use,it can be thrown away.
SEDEH baby !
Anyway,my waLLet is thick as ever !
Nyeehee !
Tomorrow sistas gonna thon outside.
When i wanna thon,tkbLeh,when i tknk thon,boLeh.Apenie ehh **** ehh..
So destroying me.
How time fLy so fast.
One more week for schooL to be reopen and then the hoLiday joys wiLL come to an end.
*Wipe tears*
My engLish is stiLL not improving....................
Another year Learning the same syLLabLes,new cLassmates,new year.
Same teaching.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

i couLd pass for a Chinese*cough*except for the dark skin.XP
You've got comment?'cause i don't.

Snapped at Toa Payoh,the cycList is so cute.
i mean,he is so cute to put a P pLate on his bicycLe.
I gave you all you desired
All that you needed
Boy, I provided
I let you into my head
Into my bed
And that's a privilege
I had you back at the answers
You took the dollars
I took the chances
Defended, battled and fought
Cuz I really tought you loved me
I don't know where to start or where to stop
No, but I know I am done
I've had enough
So fall out of my hands
Out of my heart
And when you hit the ground
you'll be sorry that I'm not around
I will watch you
And you fall out of your mind
Out of your fantasy
When you hit the wall
Think of me
I'll be on the top just watching you fall
You said that you were the strong one
I was the girl
And I was the young one
I kept your feet on the ground
My head in the rounds I had you
You told me you were so grateful
I was with you
And I was so faithful
Stood by in all that you said
And all that you did
I Loved you
I don't know how to act or what to say
But I know I am good
I'll be okay

Happy birthday to me again.
The second cake to be eaten by me.
Thanks to Fat for pLanning to go to Sentosa and the present.
My Legs are cramping now,and bListers are aLL over my feet.
i've got tan Lines.
it was a bLast,great.
We shouLd go to the beach often,it is so reLaxing.
PLayed baLLs,fLour,catching.Right.
And more.
We had fun.
Catch up with the oLd times with Sri,and i know her dirty LittLe secret.
So,im tired.
Thanks for reading.
Do tag.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

First of aLL,i am going to wish myseLf a very sweet happy birthday.
Yes,today is my birthday/.

-Went out with NuruL indah pLus ika.
Headed to EspLanade,yeahh yeahh,whatever.
Met up with her friends.
FaLL hard/Love at first sight with ****.
And thats was partLy the reason why ika + me head to Jurong west with them except for indah,she head home first.
At Last,i doesnt gain anything by the trip,not even his frickin' phone number.
Gahaha,i thought we hit it off weLL.
Lose 11 bucks for a taxi at 2 a.m.
its weird how we just gotten to know each other for a coupLe of hours but its Like we are Long Lost friends.
They are sucha jerks.

Today,ceLebrate my birthday at home,with abg Shah + Faz + cousins + famiLy
Yes,a cake.
Tired aLd siaaa

& yeahh,tomorrow wiLL be heading to Sentosa.

im soo effen tired.ProbabLy because of Lacks of sLeep.

Sunday, December 14, 2008


somehow i don't quite agree with this quote.
i mean,Like,why the heLL makes you think that someone need to turn yourseLf around.
You,Like,can't do it yourseLf?
Nyaha nyaha~

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Ok,obviousLy,i am a fat-ass Liar. Even the LittLe white Lies are considered a Lie,right?
i am so frickin' hungry right now i couLd faint anytime sooon.
i mean,a weLL pLanned saturday.
ahh,you wont get what i mean.
i mean,i has made pLans with someone today,but i end up ditching him for i am Lazy to go out.
And i promised someone that we wiLL meet up next week.
Shit,do i reaLLy mean it?
HeLL no !
Went out yesterday[i've toLd you]
it was a bLast !
i mean,i din notice that guys can reaLLy crack you up.
And Afi asked whether i am a mix.
Like heLL,you wLdnt wanna noe the reason why he thought im mixed with chinese.
OnLy managed to take pics with ALep.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Ouch !
its Like this room is infested with mosquitoes !Very hungry ones !
im scratching aLL over.
No,no need for you to imagine that Jenny.
Jenny who?
Went to Jp or the extended JP or Boon Lay exchange,whateber,was pLanning to dine out at Swenson,but heLL no,the restaurant were stiLL not open for business.
So head to Siam Kitchen.
Bro-in-Law + Big sis and 3rd sis.God,i sound as if we were in the drama series,ten brothers?Yes,thats the one.
i aLmost cried from the Last episode.Sobs.
So the manager is a cuckoo.
And Bro ALi[we said that name just to piss him off,but it din work,so..nevermind.Like Bro NuruL?it was to piss off abg Shah,except ofcourse,we hadnt reaLLy said it infront of him]just gotten his pay.
So you know what im saying?
He treat us !
And to the movies.
Body of Lies.NC16.Hehe.abeh bange?[PuL's]
ReaLLy exciting movie if you're the one that Like action-packed?adventure?
Yes,thats the movie for you !
About terrorism or something,just when i get the fuLL picture,the story ended !GRRRREEAAt... it was a kinda sad movie.Not sad sad dummy.Just sad disturbing Like.You know what im saying?
gahh !
Fuck it mosquitoes !
ReaLity back.
Going on a date with the pussy i mean pushy guy with the phone?tomorrow.
But i wouLdnt caLL it a date,as we wont be dining out in some fancy restaurant.
FoLLowed by a date with another guy.
Hey,its the best i can do you know if you know the date doesn't go weLL.
A nice excuse this is,meeting up with a friend,rather then my auntie died or something Like that. Pffffft`
So if you found it rather disturbing,repLace the word 'date' to meeting up.
its the Least i can do for you guys not to LabeL me as a Hoochie.=/
Right,i have no frickin' idea what to write anymore,dearest,now its time for you to tag !
hehe.kiss kiss.
idk but i feLt the bottom of my stomach churning wen i saw u.its Like im missing ur jokes?And it feLt so surreaL?Like?What the F !
And stiLL missing ShahriL.Oh my fuck.He has broken up with his gaL,thats wat i tink.mayb.So Get back to me prat !
yeLah2,RiNDU BFH pon LAhh
taahaa !
TUKiMi !

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Good evening darLings !
Whoever reading or who just happens to hop here
nyaha nyaha`

SLept in tiLL 11 a.m,its Like so not me `cause i am usuaLLy an earLy bird.
Must be because of texting a particuLar guy and heLL was he pushy.
DesperateLy or in another word was BEGging to taLk on the phone with me.
Like heLL,i wont taLk on the phone with a dude unLess i Like the DUDE.
Wait,i wont even taLk to you even if i even Like you.tahha
yeLah Syaf..bedek.
its just that,taLking on the phone is boring.
Shit,how i hated it especiaLLy when darLing 2nd sis was taLking on the phone with abg Shah.
i reaLLy hated THEM for disturbing my beauty sLeep.
And what a coincidence for 2nd sis boifee to have his birthday a day before mine's and kakti's !
And stiLL remember that i used to date a guy who has the same birthday as me.
Like shiet,we are so not compatibLe.
Cause they say dont choose a guy that has the same horoscope as you !
Nyaha nyaha~
And pLease stop asking me what im gonna do for my birthday,cause i've no frickin' idea.
Sure,pLan for me you whiny bitch.
i wonder why peeps doesnt LabeL me as a Lesbian or something as it are going to be 2 years since i Last attached with a guy.
That guy is so destroyed.
Ok,i know why.
How obvious,i've never been with a girL.
hahaha.ok.Syaf taLking crap.piesspiess..0.0*
i mean,weLL,i am interested with/in/to guys but i reaLLy was hoping that i couLd be singLe tiLL,Lets say,tiLL i am getting married.
i want to Lay off the things you do with your spouse,
you know what im saying
Right.Sure you are.
i am reaLLy hoping for it.
SeriousLy cant wait for the effen schooL to reopen,its Like im bored to death.
And i swear i wont pick a random dude just to meet up.
dont be pathetic,whats wrong with staying at home?
Shiet,i was pLanning to type something but it suddenLy sLipped off my effen mind.
Strewth !
Went to repair my-soon-to-be handphone for the second time and it cost me a frickin' 60 bucks.
wah wahh,he want to cheat me[the Last time,he said 80]
Dont LabeL me for anything that i post in here.
im a good girL.
"Suke bace..suke,suke,suke baby
Laughing,Laughing !" <<<that was just an inside jokes.
May the force be with you.